Saturday, February 19, 2011

no visitors

A weekend without visitors! It is quite a moment to enjoy, although this obviously implied having to spend a few extra hours cleaning, then going to the gym and doing groceries, so it was still quite busy, but it is nice to be able to sit here and not to have to entertain (although, dont get me wrong: we love having visitors. But not-having them is nice for a change....). It also gives us the opportunity to finally visit the Historical Museum (tomorrow).

At work this week was a bit chaotic. An emergency department meeting was called to inform us that there was some talk of the department being closed down. As expected, this led to a bit of panic among my colleagues although it all turned out to be overstated. We heard on Thursday that, at least for the next 2 years, the department will not be shut down... This was naturally celebrated with a Pony Bar visit leading to lots of alcohol use... :-)

Anyway, not much to tell, otherwise. Last weekend's visit by Steef and Cindy was fun, if a little exhausting (how we ended up drinking until 6am on a Friday night without even going out is beyond me!). For the rest, I am going to be preparing for another week of work, with some serious cold coming our way (lows of -12, with a wind chill to make it feel like -19 apparently, and highs around -4 (-10): great... I thought this bloody winter was over!!!!


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