Friday, October 23, 2009


Call me cynical, but it feels very wrong to discuss development/conflict issues, while sitting in a fancy expensive restaurant in Washington DC, sleeping in a 450$/night hotel, and hearing people complaining about this one time, when the business class was full, and, omg, they had to fly coach !!! I mean, i know this is what the development industry is like, but I had never seen it from up close. If this meeting yesterday had not taken place, the could have saved 20-30,000€ or so and helped poor people with it: what do you think would have been more effective?

Anyway, I have networked a lot, both yesterday and today and had a great time in general. But that is not really why i got into the topic in the first place though...

One more day of networking and going to meetings, and in the evening I am flying back to Europe.


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