I did spend about 2 days in the kitchen, making lasagnas, quiches, pies, pasta salads, rice salad, potatoe salad (huzarensalade, actually! Very nice...), et cetera. But it was totally worth it, because everybody seemed to appreciate it a lot. Particularly my real Dutch FE-DOR Apple pies were highly appreciated:
And nearly everyone kept with the theme of the evening: Prosecco Party! So there was lots and lots of Prosecco to go around (and actually, there was lots left as well). The next afternoon, after having finished cleaning, the glass disposal looked as if it was January 1st!
But I also had fun letting people try out some of the liquors I made. As expected, there was little praise for Rucolacello (probably because it's kinda gross), but the limoncello and arancello was liked...
All in all, I can say that I had an absolutely great time, but it is too much hassle to do on a regular basis... Maybe next year again.
Finally, great news from Holland. My Sis-in-Law gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Meet Hannah:

Isn't that lovely, with Leah sweetly caring for Hannah? I am very excited about seeing them all next week, when I go to see the family...
In other news: Fedor broke his computer. Stupido.