They tricksed us, dammit... Blogger tricksed me into transferring to new Blogger. And as everybody knows, it sux. Damn... (and it's impossible to return to the old blogger, unfortunately)
Anyways, onto happier news. And there is a lot of it, actually! Lots of happy happy news (although I am actually having an I-hate-Italy-Day today, but we'll ignore that). First of all, I AM GOING TO IZMIR!!! I was accepted for a conference in Izmir, Turkey in April, where I will go for 4 days. I am really, really looking forward to it!!! And my friend Idil will also be in Izmir at the same time (coincedentally), so that is really nice too!
In other happy news, my Permesso has been found! The Secret Bocconi Permesso Office (ssshhhhhh, don't tell anyone it exists...) has found out what happened to my Permesso. It is a bit too complicated to explain, but it includes the fall of the Italian government a week ago and a law implemented in april last year. Anyways, the SBPO have arranged that my Permesso will actually be ready in 3 weeks! Of course I have not actually seen it, so I dont really really believe it just yet... But there is some hope!

This weekend we had some lovely visitors from the UK, as well. Matt and Anthony came to visit us for the second time... We had a really good time, consisting of much of the regular programme (pizza@Padellacia, beer@Fontanella, dancing@Johann Sebastian Bar), but we added a lot of chilling and relaxing this time. Sunday was particularly nice, chilling out and sunbathing in the park all afternoon. A lovely visit it was, altogether...
btw, I still have not been able to get my data of my old computer (yes, I am starting to get a little worried now). But more about this some other time...